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Wednesday 20 September 2017


By On September 20, 2017
well....... These tips would change you!!

1.) Follow a simple rule of cleanse, tone, moisturize
         Do it twice a day and follow it accordingly. choose a mild cleanser and toner that suits your skin type. Then follow with a lightweight moisturizer that locks in moisture and doesn't feel greasy.

2.) Avoid drying your face
       Washing your face a lot of times per day might be reason you have breakouts. yes washing your face keeps it clean but it also rids it of the moisture and all the other good things for your face. choose a regular time to wash your face daily and stick with it. Something like 7 0clock in the morning and night 9 0clock in the evening.

3.)Don't sleep with makeup on, no matter what
      Yes this might seem like something said too often but its true. I know you might be tired and all but you cant sleep with make up on no matter what. keep wipes by your bedside and remember to wash your face after.

4.) Give your face some breathing space
       you don't have to wear that heavy foundation all the time. give your face a little breathing space or wear tinted moisturizers sometimes instead of foundation if you don't feel good without make on.

5.) Avoid touching your face often
      yeah, yeah, I get it, we want to know if our faces are getting better or if that pimple is going already, but guess what, that only reduces the chances of getting better because there are a lot of germs on that hand and they can spread.

6.) Drink your water
    I don't mean chug those eight glasses of water at once, just drink it at the correct time.
7.) Quit changing products often
      Allow time for those products to work. it basically doesn't take one night or a moment for the products to work.  Be PATIENT.
8.) sleep on clean pillowcases
       Change your pillowcase regularly depending on your skin type. preferably satin pillowcases. if you have an oily face twice a week will do the trick.

9.) Sleep on clean pillowcases.
       clean your phone screen every time. I mean every time you get an opportunity, clean your phone screen. you don't want those germs transferring to your face.

10) invest in a good exfoliator and exfoliate often.
     .....depending on your skin type again. how often you exfoliate your face and body has to depend on your skin type.
11if you have other ways make sure to comment below and let me see how these tips helped you.

Monday 24 July 2017

How to Find Your Fitness Level in 4 Simple Tests

By On July 24, 2017
Most people are perfectly content with a laid-back, “just do it” approach to fitness: they hit the gym, work up a sweat, eat something healthy, and repeat. They’re happy with their current fitness level, and that’s all that matters. As for VO2 Max, optimizing macro- and micronutrient ratios, and other specificities? Leave that to the pros and obsessives.

And that’s fine: if you’re seeking general fitness, exercise doesn’t need to be a part-time job—just something you do a few hours a week to keep the blood pumping, the body strong, and stress levels in check.

But now and then it pays to take a look under the hood to make sure you’re on track and moving in the right direction. If you’re not assessing, goes the adage, you’re just guessing.

A good place to start is to assess your fitness level. Once you know that, you can see what things you can improve upon in your fitness regime, or simply where you should start with a new fitness program. Below we’ve assembled four simple tests to help you quantify your fitness. Each one measures the muscular strength, endurance, and power of a different part of your body. Together, they’ll give you a good idea of overall fitness. Use the results to guide your choice of class at your local gym or program on Beachbody On Demand.

Looking for a refresher on what exactly Beachbody On Demand is? We give you all the details here.
Muscular Strength, Endurance, and Power

To find your fitness level, you should examine your ability to perform in the three key areas of fitness: relative strength, muscular endurance, and power. Here’s what these terms mean:

• Relative strength is how strong you are in relation to your bodyweight. This is different from absolute strength, which refers to the sheer amount of weight you can lift, regardless of your size. Being able to bench 180 pounds isn’t all that impressive if you’re a 190-pound guy, but it’s a remarkable show of strength if you’re a woman who tips the scales at 110. To keep everyone on the same playing field, the following tests focus your ability to move your own bodyweight, which embodies the idea of relative strength.

• Endurance is broken down into muscular endurance and cardiovascular endurance. The former measures the ability of your muscles to repeatedly contract against a resistance (dumbbell, barbell, bodyweight, exercise band, etc.) for a given amount of time. The latter measures the ability of your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to the body’s tissues during physical activity for an extended period of time. The tests below focus on muscular endurance, which is most relevant to classes you may take at a gym or the programs on Beachbody On Demand. On the other hand, cardiovascular endurance (also known as steady state endurance) is the main component of something like running a 10K.

• Power is the ability to express strength quickly—like sprinting or performing a vertical jump. It’s a key component not only to athletics but to healthy aging, as well. The more power you have, the more resistant you are to many types of injury.

“To be considered truly fit, you can’t neglect any of those athletic pillars,” says Trevor Thieme, Beachbody’s Senior Fitness and Nutrition Content Manager. “That’s why nearly every Beachbody program focuses on all of them, and why they’re all put to the test in each of the challenges below.”

4 Tests to Find Your Fitness Level


Focus: Lower body

“There’s a reason why the squat is often referred to as ‘The King of Exercises,'” Thieme says. “No other move mobilizes more muscle below the waist.”

Perform a bodyweight squat with correct form: stand with your feet hip-width apart. Push your hips back and bend your knees until the tops of your thighs are at least parallel to the floor. Bring your arms in front of you, keep your back flat, your chest high, and your weight on your heels. Return to the standing position as quickly and powerfully as possible. Repeat for one minute and record the number of reps completed.

How to Find Your Fitness Level - Squat

BEGINNER: less than 20


ADVANCED: more than 40


Focus: Core

There’s more to the core than making you look good in a bathing suit. The actual job of those muscles (including your abs, obliques, back muscles, and muscles around the pelvis)? ” Stabilizing the spine,” says Thieme. No exercise tests this capacity, which requires tremendous “strength-endurance” better than the standard plank.

Assume a push-up position, but with your weight on your forearms instead of your hands (your elbows should be directly beneath your shoulders). Squeeze your glutes and brace your core to lock your body into a straight line from head to heels. Hold for as long as possible and record your max time.

How to Find Your Fitness Level - Plank

BEGINNER: less than 60 seconds.

INTERMEDIATE: 60 to 120 seconds

ADVANCED: more than 120 seconds


Focus: Upper body

Think you need a barbell and three gargantuan spotters to test your upper body? Think again: “Studies show the pushup activates just as much muscle as the bench press when matched for intensity—without the need for equipment,” says Thieme.

Perform a pushup with correct form: get on all fours with your feet together and place your hands in line with (but slightly wider than) your shoulders. Clench your glutes and brace your core to lock your body into a straight line from head to heels. Keeping your elbows tucked, lower your chest until it’s a few inches from the floor. Push yourself back to the starting position, keeping your body straight the whole time. Repeat as many times as you can in one minute. Record the number of reps completed.

How to Find Your Fitness Level - Push-Up


BEGINNER: less than 15


ADVANCED: more than 25


BEGINNER: 25 or fewer


ADVANCED: 40 or more


Focus: Total body

The final test blends qualities of the previous three—and as such tests the strength and endurance not only of your upper body, lower body, and core, but of all of them together. That’s why the burpee is a staple in the workout routines of everyone from basketball players to Navy SEALS. “It makes everything burn, including your lungs,” Thieme says.

Perform a burpee: stand with your feet hip -width apart. Push your hips back, bend your knees, and place your hands on the floor in front of you. Jump your feet back into a push-up position, and then back into to a squat position. Now explode up, reaching overhead as you jump off the floor. Land softly, and immediately begin your next rep. Repeat as many times as you can in one minute. Record the number of reps completed.

How to Find Your Fitness Level - Burpee

BEGINNER: 20 or fewer


ADVANCED: 30 or more

World record (in case you’re wondering): 47

Which Workout Is Right for You?

After you complete all four tests and record your results, head to Beachbody On Demand to find the perfect program for you. It’s easy if you scored the same fitness level for every test – if you’re beginner through and through, Country Heat or YOUv2 would be a good place to start. Intermediate all around? Take a stab at FOCUS T25. If you got to the advanced levels for all four tests, give INSANITY MAX: 30 a shot.

But because fitness isn’t always that formulaic, you might have scored intermediate in the bodyweight squats, but beginner in the plank. That’s when you’d want to find a program with a fitness level of “beginner/intermediate,” like 21 Day Fix. Or, if you crushed the burpee section to land in advanced fitness level, but struggled to break the intermediate level for push-ups, an intermediate/advanced” program like CORE DE FORCE could be perfect for you. These in between programs are also useful if you want to challenge yourself with a program that’s slightly above your current level, but you don’t want to make the jump up an entire level right away.

Check out our list of the most popular programs on Beachbody On Demand for an overview of what’s available for every fitness level and workout style.

4 of the Most Important Things You Can Do to Relieve Back Pain

By On July 24, 2017

“Lack of exercise and sitting at a desk all day are the worst things we can do for our backs.”

That quote comes from Steven Loehr, a doctor of chiropractic medicine and owner of Loehr Chiropractic in Springfield, Missouri. If it sounds familiar—or if back pain feels familiar—you’re not alone.

According to the American Chiropractic Association, as much as 80 percent of the population will suffer from back pain at some time in their lives. Back pain is the second most common reason people visit their primary care doctor (behind upper respiratory infections) and the most reported reason people miss work.

Perhaps not coincidentally, estimates suggest up to 86 percent of Americans sit all or most of the day for work. That’s a lot of “worst thing we can do.”

While these numbers are startling, the more shocking fact is that most back pain is preventable. It’s not luck that 20 percent of people go through life without the excruciating experience of back pain. It has more to do with everyday choices.

Most back pain doesn’t originate from a serious condition like arthritis or fracture. It’s more likely due to stressors you’re putting on your body in daily situations.

Doing any number of workouts on Beachbody on Demand will strengthen your core and help prevent a multitude of physical ailments. And from planks to hip extensions, there are plenty of simple exercises you can do to help with back pain in general, and lower back pain specifically.

But there are plenty of easy tricks and habits you can employ in your daily routine that’ll go a long way toward making sure your back feels and functions as it’s intended.
4 of the Best Tips and Habits for Back Pain Relief
4 of the Best Ways to Prevent Back Pain work desk

1. Make your back a priority at work

While your mind and fingers are racing all day at the office, your body often isn’t doing a whole lot. (Except maybe slouching toward chronic poor posture.) You need to start thinking of your back and overall health as being just as important as that deadline you’ve got to hit this afternoon. After all, the healthier you are, the more efficiently you’ll work.

The most important thing you can do is minimize the time you spend sitting or slumping in front of devices. This might not be as hard as you think. When taking a phone call, for instance, instead of remaining seated, stand or walk around a little bit while talking.

Simple stretches you can do in a chair include neck rolls and seated spinal twists. Check this excellent source for nine stretches you can do at your desk.

In addition, these expert tips from Loehr and corrective exercise specialist Jeremy McCann are immensely helpful. Print them out and post the list near your computer to serve as a reminder throughout the day:

    Put your hands behind your head and gently open your chest a few times each hour.
    Take walking meetings through the day
    Use a small cup for water or coffee to prompt more trips to the break room
    Set an alarm to get up and stretch for 10 minutes at the top of every hour
    Set up a standing workstation or desk

You can also ensure your desk is set up ergonomically correct. Loehr’s tips on how to adjust your desk include making sure your computer monitor is at eye level and adjusting the position of your mouse so that your hand falls naturally on the desk where your arm is bent.

2. Use a foam roller

While working with a physical therapist or corrective exercise specialist is the best way to determine specific areas you need to focus on, there are simple things you can do for back pain relief at home.

A foam roller is an inexpensive and highly effective tool for self-massage from shoulders to calves. It loosens muscles around your spine (this can ease aches), including your middle back and outer hips.

“Even those who are inactive could see benefits, as foam rolling can help relax muscles that may have become tight from sitting at a desk all day,” says Peter Dipple, head of sports and massage at the London-based Ten Health & Fitness. “It could also help reduce pain and soreness and increase range of motion.”

Foam rollers should always be used on hard surfaces, not, say, a couch, to ensure pressure is applied evenly. Additionally, keep in mind that you want to roll over muscle, not bone.

These 4 simple foam roller moves are a great place to get started with a foam roller regimen.
4 of the Best Ways to Prevent Back Pain sleep

3. Sleep in a position that supports your lower back

Your sleep routine could be contributing to back pain. You may blame your mattress for morning stiffness, but your pillow is probably the real culprit.

“The ideal position to sleep would be on your back with a pillow under your knees,” says Loehr, adding that you should avoid sleeping on your stomach to avoid back pain. “If you are on your back, the pillow should support your neck, but allow your head to sink in so that it is not lifting your head past your shoulders.”

If you prefer sleeping on your side, your pillow should be thick enough to hold your head and neck in a neutral position without letting it fall toward your bottom shoulder and without lifting it toward your upper shoulder, according to Loehr.

If neck pain is an issue, these moves to alleviate neck pain may help.

4. Make sure you exercise with proper form

Done without proper form, any exercise can cause back pain. Loehr says squats and deadlifts are the exercises that cause the most back pain among patients in his practice. Not because these are “bad exercises,” but because people aren’t paying attention to the proper way to do squats and deadlifts.

According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, lower back pain (the most common kind of back pain) is often mechanical in nature. Most people try to correct the mechanical dysfunction with strengthening exercises.

According to corrective exercise specialist McCann, however, there are steps that should take place prior to targeted strength exercises. These include stretches, physical therapy, and trigger-point massage.

When you’re in the midst of any kind of workout, it’s important to know what to do to prevent back pain in the first place. Core conscientiousness is crucial, says Loehr. He says some exercises can exacerbate lower back pain, and that most of these tricky moves involve lumbar extension, such as a superman or upward facing dog in yoga.

The main takeaway is that you don’t have to grit your teeth and push through back pain. In fact, this sort of mule-headed mentality will often only exacerbate the problem.

There are smart ways to help ensure back pain relief and prevention. Get up, get moving, and get started on these easy habits, stretches, and exercises to keep back pain at bay.

And for more exercises to strengthen your lower back and core, stream the workouts at Beachbody On Demand. From CORE DE FORCE to 3 Week Yoga Retreat, nearly every Beachbody program ever devised is available on your TV set-top box or mobile device any time, anywhere.
